Looking at my blog photograph I'm aware that, in the intervening 3 years since it was taken, I've acquired deep furrows above each eye . . . a bit disconcerting. I guess the pressure of the Masters course at Goldsmiths (moi, competitive???) and the current pandemic have played significant roles as ageing continues to reveal its inevitable hand (I know, a cliched poker reference). My Hollywood expectation of 'looking young forever' is now being questioned with regularity - like, "Really???". I've even reached the point where I avoid looking into mirrors I'm not familiar with - the reality I see is a becoming increasingly uncomfortable, if the light isn't right, Whoo! Awhhh. Now, having just admitted to my own inconvenient 'bonfire of the vanities', I also want to make clear that this recent bout of melancholy hasn't slowed down my work ethic or remotely dented my love of music! I've just finished a remix for the Jamaican reggae artist DiTranquil. It's a Latino/EDM/Pop version of his latest single Don't Let Me Go. I'll post a link as soon as it's available. All the best everyone! Xxx